Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Week Out...

No new stats on weight, I believe I have lost 34lbs since March 9th, but I have no real confirmation until my two week check up at Dr. Averbach's office.

I am doing fine and getting less and less pain daily!
Here I am recovering and relaxing!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pre-Op Post - Tomorrow is the Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Neck: 18"
Upper Arms: 22"
Wrists: 8"
Breasts: 56"
Bra Band Size: 52"
Waist: 52"
Stomach: 56"
Hips: 67"
Thighs: 35"
Ankles: 12"

I wish I knew how "normal" the difference are - I would have never guessed my arms were thicker than my neck for example! Or that both arms, thighs and ankles would be the same! I was expecting differences!